Saturday, February 13, 2010

Message from Ray Nix

Dear Class of '70:

Times flies doesn't it? I just joined the site and have started to take note of classmates from Wy'East and Hood River. I also found your blog site as you prepare for your 40th Reunion. Hope I can be there, but timing will probably be an issue for me this summer. (preparing to move into a new house -- don't know exact date yet).
In any event, I justed wanted to say "Hi" to all my Wy'East friends that I haven't seen since 1970. I live in Henderson, KY and work in Evansville, IN (just across the Ohio River bridge) and have been here for 32 years. I get back to Hood River rather infrequently to visit, but was there last over Labor Day when I moved my mother into Brookside Manor (Memory Care).
Besides saying "Hi" and hoping some of you might want to send me an email sometime to catch up on old times, I'd like to also ask that if any of you know of anybody looking for a nice private rental house -- our old home place is available. I'd like to get it rented in the next couple of months, if possible. It also has a nice garden area. Contact me if you might know of anybody that would make a good renter. Also, my Hood River contacts for this is my nephew, Dave Tallman or Teri Lee Radliff.
Hope to hear from some of you.
Ray Nix