Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More prayers needed for Randall Lee's wife

Please say prayers for Jan and Randall Lee, Randall's wife, Jan, had a stroke Christmas day. She is in ICU in Portland hospital, no visitors, cards or flowers. Jan's fb is Janice Waters Lee.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mark your calendars

Next gathering in January 23, 2012 - the usual Charburger at 6p.

Alan Borton is home after having a grapefruit size tumor removed. Please keep him in your thoughts, if you'd like to contact him send me an email and I'll get you the address/email for him.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

More prayers needed

Received word via Facebook that Loyd Dillenbeck his having heart difficulties again, please keep him in your thoughts in prayers.

RE Alan Borton:
From Laura: Update on Alan, they did remove part of the tumor, but what was left can not be treated with chemo and radiation, but medication can help. He will continue to be in the VA until his body functions can work on their own. I will find out that address for friends to send cards. Thank you.
If you'd like email or addresses for either Alan or Loyd let me know at wyeast70@gmail.com and I'll forward the info.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

November gathering

Our next gathering is Monday, Nov 14 at 6p HR Charburger...

Classmates update:
Alan Borton is due to have surgery the last part of October for large mass in his stomach and colon.
Kim Bell had surgery 9/26 in Portland where they removed and replaced his esophagus, part of his stomach and kidney.
Please keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prayers Needed - Classmate in trouble

This from Laura Gehrig Miller:

Classmates, One of our own needs our prayers. Alan Borton is in need of a lot of them. Drs have found cancer in Alan's stomach, they are trying to determine the best way to handle this. He is in serious trouble. If you would like to send a card, please call me at 541-490-7410 I'll give you his address. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bit of sad news

Tom Sheirbon's brother, Jerry, passed away in the last week. His service is Saturday, 9/24/11.
See www.Andersonstributecenter.com for the details or to leave a message for the family.

Our condolences to Tom and his family.

Reminder for September gathering

Monday, September 26 at 6pm in Hood River at the Charburger - be there or be square!

Monday, September 5, 2011

August 2011 gathering

Tom Sheirbon & Elisa (Connie) Herbison joined us!

Dessert by Blissful Chocolate, thanks Connie!
Fun gathering at the Charburger on Aug 30.   Next meeting is Monday, Sept 26, 6p, Charburger.

Update from Bill about Loyd, he's home and doing well!!!  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Update on Loyd Dillenbeck

Loyd's daughter made a post on his Facebook account last night - He's finally home! The 2nd surgery to install the pacemaker helped the issues he was having after the 1st. Please keep him in your prayers!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Post Surgery update on Loyd

This just in from Loyd's wife this morning 8/9/11:
I finally made my way to a computer to give you an update on Loyd. Thanks for your patience.
The surgery went went. Post-surgery not going so well. Loyd is day 4 of afib (most of the time, off the charts). His little ticker just did not like being tinkered with!

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. We are in for a longer-than-expected hospital stay and know it will be a long, rough road to recovery.

Don't know when I'll get back to e-mail again. Please don't respond to this e-mail. Will be back in touch when we can. We no longer have internet at home as we can't afford it. Loyd off work 2 months without pay and I can't work as I am his caregiver.

Best way to get a hold of us is via snail mail.

Loyd Dillenbeck
1081 Mimosa Ave
Alamogordo, NM 88310.

Blessed to be able to stay at a friend's house not far from the hospital. Roberta has been a gracious hostess. I am getting plenty of sleep and am quite comfortable. The hospital chaplains are keeping me stocked with meal vouchers daily to use at the hospital cafeteria. And there's a Subway in the hospital to use as backup when I get tired of hospital food. Loyd & I are both weary of hospital life and ask for your continued prayers to get us homeward bound.

Love to all,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Update on Loyd Dillenbeck

We've gotten word that Loyd will be having extensive heart surgery the 1st part of August. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Loyd, we are praying for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Steve kept Debbie laughing all night.... we will be anxiously awaiting his movie that he's been discussing with her :)

Bob Walden, Steve Benton & Debbie Vaday

Report on 7/20 gathering

7/20/11 The gang at the Charburger. New attendee was Bob Walden. We've previously not been able to locate he or Bill.

Steve Benton was there and looking good, his chemo is working! He has been in contact with Kim Bell who is just beginning his treatment and will see if he can get an email for Kim.

Bob said that Bill is currently living in the Philippines.

Ruth reported that Sylvia Sellers died recently in Tillamook.

We opened discussion about our 60th Birthday party - first looking at dates and venue.
Decision was made to look at August 18, 2012 with August 25th as a back up, hoping for warm/dry weather and prior to harvest. We are still considering venues keeping economy in mind and the KISS theory.

Next gathering is Aug 30, 6p at HR Charburger.

More on Kim Bell


Good morning!
Kim Bell is fighting cancer. There is a fund raiser set up for him thru the Parkdale Ladies.
To get in touch you can send cards or letters to Kim Bell care of Jean Hardman
4650 London Drive Parkdale, OR 97041

For those of us who went to some of our school years at Barrett there is a reunion meeting at Rockford Grange on Aug. 5th starting at 11:00. Buffet lunch at 12:00. $5 donation to help with cost.

Love, Vickie

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kim Bell info via Vicki Ward

July 9, 2011

Hi Francie, I just talked to Kim Bell. He is battling Cancer, but has a positive attitude.
I heard he is not really doing well.
This evening at the Parkdale Grange is a fund raiser to help with his medical expenses.
It is a Spag. dinner from 4-7.
His home phone is 541-352-7847.
He'd like to hear from our classmates.
Please send this info out to all. THANKS!!!
Love, Vic

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 2011 Gathering

It's that time again - come one, come all - Class of 1970 is having a gathering on Wednesday, July 20 at 6p at Charburger in HR. We have the back room reserved so there is plenty of room.

We need to get the discussion going about the 60th Birthday party in 2012.

Hope you can come!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring gathering

Spring gathering at HR Charburger on Tuesday, April 19 at 5p. We'll be in 1/2 of the meeting room up front. Hope to see you there!