Saturday, July 14, 2012

RSVP reminder for August 18

Summer greetings to Wy’east classmates!    Reminder that we’d like an RSVP for the August 18th 60th Birthday Party by August 1.  We have to give the restaurant a head count shortly after that date.  (Actually we’d like you to RSVP even if you can’t attend so we can confirm your contact info).   To those that have already RSVP’d, please disregard this first paragraph.

Cost per person is $19.70 for a BBQ sandwich meal, non alcoholic beverage and birthday cake.  Beer and wine will be available for purchase.

Checks can be made out to Wy’east Class of 1970 and mailed to Debbie Lyddon Vaday at PO Box 323, Husum, WA 98623 or given to us at the door.

Vickie Ward is working on a memorial for those classmates that have passed.

Ruth Daley Beecher is setting up a table for classmates that are in business for themselves to display their products and/or business cards for networking purposes.
(We are hoping for enough product to be displayed and donated that we can use that as door prize drawings…hint, hint).

Steve Bickford and Rich Cushman will be hosting a pre-function at their wine production facility at the Bickford home place at 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River at 3 pm, just an informal gathering to extend the visiting (no tasting required). Camille’s Gorge White House is just up the road and Richard’s new Viento Wine tasting room should be open on Portland Way (just across I84 from the Charburger) by then too that might make for additional stops on our way to dinner. 

Final planning/local gathering will be meeting July 30 at 6 pm at the Hood River Charburger. Everyone is invited to that gathering if you’re in town as well.

Hope to see you soon,
Francie Fenwick LaMarche