Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And a good time was had by all...

I was remiss in not getting photos at the pre-function hosted by Rich Cushman and Steve Bickford, my apologies.  Rich and Steve were very gracious hosts and the wine tasting and appetizers were superb!  Thanks!

We had a good turn out with 24 classmates attending, some we haven't seen in a long time.
Here are some photos for those that couldn't join us.

Thank you for the door prizes: Jack Walls, Laura Miller, Deb Vaday, Rich Cushman, Steve Bickford & Ruth Beecher

Pam lighting the candles, Steve supervising and waiting to cut the cake.

Ruth talking with Bill & Rex.

Pam and Francie

Steve Bickford, Gordon Hinkle, Ruth, Jack Walls & friend

Tom Sheirbon, Bill Bayless, Greg Lane, Paul Winans, Rex Mosley & Jack Walls

Foreground: Margo Hess, Rex Mosley

Nerl Porras, Lorrie Porras, Kathy McClure, Margo Hess

Debbie Garver, talking with Bill & Rich Cushman. Tom Sheirbon and Rex Mosley in the background

Greg Lane, Tom Sheirbon & Vickie Ward

Group photo around the cake.  Front row: Steve Benton, JoAnn Frazier, Rich Cushman, Ginny Bland, Debbie Garver, Chris Weseman, Laura Miler, Eric Mortenson.
Middle: Paul Winans, Debbie Vaday, Francie LaMarche, Margo Hess, Kathy McClure, Vickie Ward
Back: Greg Lane, Tom Sheirbon, Jack Walls, Rex Mosley, Steve Bickford, Ruth Dailey, Bill Bayless, Nanette Izerda, Lorrie Porras and Pam Newman (hidden behind Vickie).

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Last Chance for the Birthday Party - door prizes needed

It’s the first of August, only 18 days until our birthday party!

Last chance to let us know if you’re coming, need to let the Charburger know very soon.  We need to hear from you by August 8.

Cost per person is $19.70 for a BBQ sandwich meal, non alcoholic beverage and birthday cake.  Beer and wine will be available for purchase.

Checks can be made out to Wy’east Class of 1970 and mailed to Debbie Lyddon Vaday at PO Box 323, Husum, WA 98623 or given to us at the door.

Ruth Daley Beecher is setting up a table for classmates that are in business for themselves to display their products and/or business cards for networking purposes.  You need not be present to participate in this.   Sent us your product or business cards and we’ll display them.   We’d like to use the displayed product as door prizes.
Please respond by email or give us a call and let us know how you’d like to participate.

Steve Bickford and Rich Cushman will be hosting a pre-function at their wine production facility at the Bickford home place at 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River at 3 pm, just an informal gathering to extend the visiting (no tasting required). Camille’s Gorge White House is just up the road with Richard’s Viento Wine tasting room there and Steve’s Mt. Hood Winery near by as well for a stop on our way to dinner.

For those that haven’t responded to this either way, we’d still like to confirm current contact info we have for you.
