To All Wy'east '70 Classmates,
We are still trying to make sure every classmate hears about our milestone 50-Year Reunion scheduled for the weekend of September 11-12, 2020 (SAVE THE DATE). More details coming soon!
Our hunt for missing email addresses is paying off thanks to you! Simply click on the link below to see if you know any of these classmates:
If you have ANY contact information (especially an email address) for anyone listed, just click on their name in the list and a pre-addressed email to us will pop up. Type their email address in the body of the email and hit send. If an email window does not pop up, just REPLY to this email or send any contact information to our class email account: Information is kept private and even one email address from you is VERY helpful!
A sincere THANK YOU from your reunion planning committee:
JoAnn Winter Frazier
Laura Gehrig Bublitz Miller
Francie Fenwick LaMarche