Thursday, August 26, 2021

Reunion/Covid Variant Update

A few classmates have asked us about the current status regarding any venue restrictions for our reunion.  Below are key points that we want to communicate and that you can forward to other classmates if needed:

  1. Our reunion is still taking place on September 10-11, 2021 and is not being canceled or rescheduled.
  2. We will be following the current county and venue guidelines with regards to attendance limitations/social distance restrictions and/or mask requirements. Mask requirements are in place at both venues, except when eating or drinking
  3. Although we cannot mandate that all of the reunion attendees be vaccinated, we are strongly encouraging itfor those who can be vaccinated.
  4. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the reunion.

We will continue to update everyone should there be any changes. 

We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Your Reunion Planning Committee

* IMPORTANT REMINDER: Final Ticket Purchase Deadline is SUNDAY!


*** IMPORTANT REMINDER: Final Ticket Purchase Deadline is SUNDAY!
To finalize headcount planning for our caterer, ALL reunion tickets must be purchased by midnight August 29th. Sorry, no ticket sales at the door. Don't Miss the Party!
To view our current "Who's Coming So Far" list, click on the link below:
To purchase tickets on our secure website, follow the steps below:
1. Go to:
2. Click on the yellow "find me" link at the bottom of the homepage
 - On mobile devices, use the "touch here for tickets" button
3. Type your Last Name (Maiden Name) and legal First Name if needed
4. Click on your record and then follow the prompts
To view our reunion details, click on the link below:

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Final Ticket Purchase Deadline is NEXT WEEKEND!


*** IMPORTANT REMINDER: Final Ticket Purchase Deadline is NEXT WEEKEND!
To finalize headcount planning for our caterer, ALL reunion tickets must be purchased by midnight August 29thSorry, no ticket sales at the door. Don't Miss the Party!
To view our current "Who's Coming So Far" list, click on the link below:
To purchase tickets on our secure website, follow the steps below:
1. Go to:
2. Click on the yellow "find me" link at the bottom of the homepage
 - On mobile devices, use the "touch here for tickets" button
3. Type your Last Name (Maiden Name) and legal First Name if needed
4. Click on your record and then follow the prompts

A scholarship is available for the reunion, please contact the reunion committee at
To view our reunion details, click on the link below: